Mehdi Sharafi

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The Accumulation is an installation-video project that commenced in 2014 and culminated in its final installation phase in 2023. Throughout this project, I created over 2170 unique drawings, each featuring subjective elements and emphasizing subjective portraits.

In Accumulation, we witness movement and transfers between different boundaries and artistic mediums. The basis of this work, as mentioned, is the drawing. During the video, we encounter a form of the painting process. To accomplish this process, volumes have been created and integrated into the installation in the heart of nature, along with the drawings and other components of the project.

All these details constitute the core space of the project, manifested as a large-scale installation. Ultimately, through the medium of video, viewers witness the narrative that emerges from the essence of this installation, providing insight into the narrative essence of the Accumulation installation.

In Accumulation, the goal was to transcend conventional boundaries and stereotypes by leveraging the diverse possibilities offered by drawing, painting, sculpture, installation, and video mediums. A transfer between traditional and new mediums within the context of contemporary art. This approach aimed to emphasize the distinct qualities and characteristics of each medium to achieve a dynamic and multi-layered pictorial quality that effectively communicates the desired concept.

The project aims to explore the concept of memory within the narrative context. The subjective drawings, stemming from the inner and subconscious layers of the mind, resemble an exploration of various memory layers. They seek to establish a connection between human history and natural history within the framework of a collective installation and dialogue situated at the core of nature.

The connection between different elements within Accumulation is anchored within a time structure. Through the progression of time, this transferee and interweaving of elements become tangible and visible. Time acts as the driving force behind this layered process, shaping the dialogue and transfers within its context. A dialogue that proceeds step by step and layer by layer in the process of video narration, so that the final expression of the Accumulation formed in the context of this collective memory is analyzed at the heart of a historical dialogue.

In the conceptual realm, Accumulation aims to navigate and transcend borders, bridging the realms of individual memory and collective memory, human history, and natural history. Essentially, humans dialogue finds its roots at nature’s core, as human history has developed within the context of this natural history.

Accumulation progresses step by step with such an approach, creating its distinct layers throughout this dialogue. This progression is evident in the narrative arc of the video, showcasing its impact on the final landscape crafted within this dialogue.

A dialogue rich in details unfolds within the narrative of Accumulation. While these details converge within its core narrative, a closer examination reveals numerous distinctions among them. However, when we consider the broader perspective of Accumulation, a cohesive whole emerges at its core, evident in our final landscape.



Accumulation (Trailer)







