Mehdi Sharafi

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The cohesion of elements can manifest itself in several forms. Based on these cohesions and combinations, we obtain different results. This is the issue at the origin of the creation of many artistic realizations using a diversity of media and in different forms. One of the simplest forms of musical compositions is the duet, where two instruments come together to create harmony. These compositions can have ups and downs, contrasts, mixtures, and diverse realizations. A duet is a form of musical composition where you can understand the passages between the two instruments as well as the monologue of each one. It represents the frontier between entanglement and fragmentation.

By choosing the name “Duet” for a series of paintings, and thereby defining the pictorial spaces composing it, we try to move on the same frontier – towards the same fusion. This duality is defined within the very entanglement. “Duet” is an attempt to create dialogue and dialectics between two parts of a pictorial space. We do not have two different images or two different frames; we are in one single composition. The composition is the result of a dialogue – a dialectic aiming at eclecticism and unity of the two parts.

“Duet” tries to trespass frontiers and has, at the same time, such pictorial characteristics. In “Duet,” we see representations but also subjective images; familiar elements as well as abstract ones. We traverse different frontiers – subjective-pictorial frontiers creating a different challenge in each space: the challenge of realizing unity. In each “Duet,” as in most of my work, different subjects and questions are explored. Each piece of work faces different challenges. But beyond the event seen in each piece, and its atmosphere and approach, at the heart of the concept of the whole series, are the actions and reactions that create the pictorial spaces: this is the question of the border in a unique pictorial space.

The problem in “Duet” is the problem of borders. “Duet” is formed on a border and finds an identity, a visible and tangible line, a clear separation. But the two parts of each “Duet” tend to attain unity: a unity aiming at ignoring the border. In each “Duet,” each part completes the other: without the other part, its visual and semantic value is reduced. The event of each piece occurs on the border between the two parts. The narration and the atmosphere defining the whole series are subject to this separating line and to the independent Duets composing the series.

You can see some examples of the works of Duet below.



Duet nº 7, acrylic on canvas, 73 x 120 (2 x 73 x 60) cm, 2018-2020


Duet nº 5, acrylic on canvas, 73 x 120 (2 x 73 x 60) cm, 2018-2020


Duet nº 10, acrylic on canvas, 120 x 120 (2 x 120 x 60) cm, 2018


Duet nº 3, acrylic on canvas, 60 x 60 (2 x 60 x 30) cm, 2018

